Contemplation #19

What if life as we know it was a lie?

What if there’d be no light at the end of the tunnel?

What if people were actually trapped in their own reality?

A reality in which their fragile mind and soul are damned to dwell

What if there was no afterlife?

Will we still worship that deity?

Will we still try to pretend to be nice to each other?

Will we keep fucking each other over for personal gain?

What if?

What if?

What if?

The game life is playing with us makes me ask the same question

over, and over, and over,

questioning if my mind will venture into oblivion

free falling into nothingness where the deafening silence is forever

Eager to find out, but too scared to take the leap

I’m at the end of my rope.


By taking that leap, and when everything’s over and done… then and only then, perhaps, will I find peace.


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