Self-love Is a Fucking Trap

You heard me. Self-love is a fucking trap. Don't fucking do it, man.

Now, hear me out... there's nothing wrong with loving yourself. If anything, it's encouraged and it should be celebrated. No doubt.

HOWEVER, most people would misunderstand what "self-love" actually means. Instead of truly loving themselves, it turns them into massively selfish assholes. Self-love is supposed to put emphasis on "love." It's love first and foremost.

If you've read Twitter threads or some articles about self-love, chances are they are trying to teach you how to become selfish and entitled. Don't believe me? Go on and read some! Once you're done, come back here. I'll wait.

Those types of literature pose a threat in which people would just stop caring about others, and I'm not saying other people in general, just the ones who truly matter. Ever heard of phrases such as "good vibes only" or "living my best life" or something along the line with those? If so, then have I got news for you...

This brings us to toxic (ugh, I hate that word, it's toxic in and of itself) positivity. Yep. Toxic positivity does exist, and it's really hurting us.

If you happen to be one of those people championing it, please do ourselves a favor and stop. Just... stop.

You see, the problem with dealing with a massively entitled person is that you’ll be kept under the impression that everything you do for them isn’t enough. It never will be.

Add huge, huuuuge ego on top of that, and you’re set for a humongous disappointment.

I can’t stress enough how draining it is. It is unfathomable I repeat, unfathomable.

Nonetheless, this issue isn’t impossible to fix. It’s just gonna take time, patience, dedication, and most importantly, a strong will.

The solution? Stop being selfish. Stop being entitled. You DO NOT deserve to be treated right or be loved if all you can do is drain the fuck out of other people.

Reflect. Take a moment and REFLECT. Think over and over if your actions will make someone feel unappreciated.

If yes, then fucking stop! You can’t go on like that and expect to get everything you “deserve.” That’s not how it works!

At the end of the day, life is but a learning process. If you’re not learning, if you  DO NOT wish to learn, then you’re not living your best life and don’t you ever dare claim that you are.


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