A Goodbye Is a Goodbye Is a Goodbye

One way or another, humans crave interaction.

Humans crave relationships.

Humans long for companionships.

It's just how our brains are wired, and although each brain is uniquely wired, it all breaks down into one single desire of being connected to one another.

Just recently, a couple of hours prior to writing this, I decided to take part in the latest trend in Instagram Story activity: the so-called "A Meeting Between Breadfruit" social experiment.

Basically, the idea is to challenge your followers to read your story till the very end, and at the end of it, they'd have to say something that reminds them of you, and in return, you'd have to say something similar.

There's actually a template for this post, but I decided to make it my own by adding a little bit of personal touch, and it goes like this:

"My name is Asura.
A few people have (not) had the pleasure of knowing me, no matter when our paths have crossed. Some stuck, some went away.
I would love to see if we can still communicate with more than just likes and GIFs, and actually write something to each other. I decided to participate in an experience called “A Meeting Between Breadfruit.” The idea is to see who reads a post without a photo. We are too immersed in technology that we have forgotten the most important thing: good friendship. If no one reads this message, it will be a short social experiment.
HOWEVER, if you read it until the end, I want you to reply with one word about us. For example, a place, an object, a person, a moment with which you associate me or remember me by. Then I will send this text to you via DM for you to post, and I’ll send you a word that reminds me of you. Please don’t reply if you don’t have time to copy the text. That would ruin the experiment."

This experiment reminds me again of how fickle life is. One moment someone is with you, then you blink and you miss them. 2020 has been very tough for all of us, and I'd like to say this:

Whoever you are, wherever you are. Stay safe. This too shall pass.

However, one more realization dawns upon me: goodbyes.

Though it's inevitable, a goodbye will still break anyone in ways only known to them. You may act like a tough-as-nails sonuva bitch, but don't lie to me and say you don't get hurt when you part ways with someone dear to you. Don't even think about it.

Hmm.. back to the experiment, yeah, I genuinely wanted to know if people would actually give a shit about their relationship with me.

So far, though, only two people replied.

...why am I not surprised?


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