Self-love Is a Fucking Trap
You heard me. Self-love is a fucking trap. Don't fucking do it, man. Now, hear me out... there's nothing wrong with loving yourself. If anything, it's encouraged and it should be celebrated. No doubt. HOWEVER, most people would misunderstand what "self-love" actually means. Instead of truly loving themselves, it turns them into massively selfish assholes. Self-love is supposed to put emphasis on "love." It's love first and foremost. If you've read Twitter threads or some articles about self-love, chances are they are trying to teach you how to become selfish and entitled. Don't believe me? Go on and read some! Once you're done, come back here. I'll wait. Those types of literature pose a threat in which people would just stop caring about others, and I'm not saying other people in general, just the ones who truly matter . Ever heard of phrases such as "good vibes only" or "living my best life" or someth...