I Am Happy
For the first time in YEARS, I finally feel happy. Like, truly, over-the-top, so-utterly happy.
"But why?" You may ask...
Here's the thing: happiness doesn't require a fucking reason to pay someone a visit. It just drops by.
When it does, it's the best fucking thing ever. Or is it? Of course! Who am I kidding?
It's 3 in the morning at the time of writing and I might post this later on if I feel like it, when, I feel like it. However, it's truly odd that I feel happy now. I mean, why now?
I thought I'd given up my search for happiness long ago when I sold my soul to the Devil. For what? I'll never know, but I digress.
I'm just fucking grateful for this feeling I've been longing to feel for such a long, long time. Far too long if you ask me. I thought I'd never feel alive again. Alive and happy? SIGN ME UP!
Depressive phase what? I'm all about that sweet, sweet manic phase, baby.
Life is a big fucking joke. It really is. You're an idiot if you believe otherwise; one moment you're feeling fine and dandy, the next you could be cutting yourself for all we know. Then you die from blood loss. Then the world just rid itself of yet another burden. Hooray!
And if you truly believe that I'm happy for just one fucking moment, you oughtta check the date, mate.
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