It's All or Nothing, Baby

I suppose some people were just born... extra.

For example, they would go great lengths to ensure perfection or whatever to their heart's content, and generally, people would consider that cute...

...and then there's me.

I'm probably the most extra motherfucker you'll ever meet. Ask anyone who knows me well, and they would all agree that I'm either balls deep into something, or I'm not.

There's no in-between with me.

I guess this is what being raised to be the perfect child did to me. I want, nay, need to be the best at everything I do (or at least what I enjoy doing).

This doesn't translate well to my interpersonal relationships. Not at all.

Be it romantic relationships or friendships. I may come across intimidating or what have you, but trust me, I look after my people, and I do it hard.

Either that, or if you happen to fall on the other end of the spectrum, I couldn't give 0 fucks about you, mi amigo. You can stab yourself in the dick and bleed out for all I care.

Let me tell you something: I cannot do anything in moderation. It was never my thing. When I get into something, or when I do something that I like, it's always in excess (shout out to my Gs, you know who you are).

Always. In. Excess.

I care, love, eat, drink, smoke, everything in absolutes.

I know it's not very healthy, but you can't really change who you are, especially after having lived for 20+ years being this person, right? I can think of at least one person who would agree with me on this.

Truth be told I'm not even sure why I'm sharing this right now, but what I'm sure of is this:

There's no in-between with me.

It's all or nothing, baby.

So, let me ask you this one time:

Are you in or are you out?


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